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some animator problems.

Registered User
2011-02-06 22:31:03

Hello again, sorry that i ask again, but i ran into 2 problems which i cant get to figure out...
i copied the AnimatorCameraFPS object and modified it for my needs.
I wanted to use the zoom-feature when using the mousewheel, but it seems mousewheel is not supported in copperlicht for firefox 4.0b10? if it is, a small example would be nice :)
second problem: there is by default a "moveByMouseDown" which makes the camera rotate only when pressing a mouse button. is it somehow possible to let it rotate only when pressing the right mouse button?

Thanks again

2011-02-07 17:13:09

no, zooming currently doesn't work, I'm sorry. But added it to the list. You can add this simply yourself, you only need to adjust the FOV value using setFov() of the camera.

About right mouse button: Nope, sorry again.

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