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Implementing toon rendering filter

Registered User
2011-03-21 08:31:59

Hi Niko.
It would be nice if we could have a toon rendering mode in order to make the graphics card not to work so hard.(objects presented not with textures just simple colours.).Do you think it's possible?

And another thing.I have a plane and when i pick a spot on it in firefox beta 11 it's not returning the right coordinates.(It has a difference i don't know exactly how much).In chrome works fine.Is it a bug of firefox?


2011-03-21 16:58:24

Cartoon shaders are usually even a bit more expensive to calculate than just models using textures. There are some tricks to make it work simpler (by using mip maps), but there is no difference in performance then.

The picking problem: Not sure about that. Depends on how your application works. Maybe you are resizing the canvas at runtime or similar? An example would help.

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