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Exporting .X Files from 3dx Max using Panda, tutorial?

Registered User
2011-03-29 18:16:21

Hi, I was wondering what the work for is for exporting skinned meshes from 3ds max to coppercube so they can be inserted in to copperlicht scenes and then ultimately used a web page.

The reason I ask is because I'm having a problem exporting my mesh, the mesh (when exported with the bones checkbox clicked off on the panda exporter) appears distorted and jarbled. If I leave the bones off and export without animation or bones the mesh appears perfectly.

Which leaves me to believe that the problem is the way I have my mesh skinned or my skeleton's setup. Is there a workflow which needs to be followed exactly when setting up a skeleton? Do bones need to have a specific name? A specific way they are linked together? Is it possible to have bones which are not linked to any other bones in one mesh?

I'm going to mess around with this some more to see if I can figure out the problem, if I do figure it out I will post a small tutorial here so others don't make the same mistakes.

2011-03-29 18:33:06

Usually, you need to skin a mesh as done in games. No inverse kinematics or all this extra fluff, and as less weights per vertex as possible (although CopperCube should be able to handle unlimited weights in most cases, performance will be reduced then, though). Usually, you should have one root bone and then child bones going from there. But I think that's it. If you cannot figure out your problem, maybe send me the .ccb file and I can have a look if I can see what it is.

2011-03-29 18:36:02

BTW: I've been told that the b3d exporter works a bit easier for this.

Registered User
2011-03-30 00:39:55

Hi, I tried to use the b3d exporter unfortunately I'm using Max2010 and support for b3d exporter in max ended on max 7 so thats quite a few versions ago. I suspect the problem has something to do with the bone hierchy.

I put all of the assets in to a folder on my server:

The zombie-Man.X loads perfectly in coppercube, and the animations play out exactly how I want them to. The skeleton for the lowpolywarrior model has extra bones for the hands and two bones for the weapons. Other than that it's identical to the skeleton for the zombie, even the mesh itself is the same mesh as the zombie with a few alterations.

I thought maybe it was because the weapons were attached to bones which were not attached to the root bone, but I went and deleted these bones and weighted the sword and shield to the hand bones and the problem was still there.

When I look at the model in the viewport and have it selected, in the blue skeleton lines there is an extra line on a diagonal which is not there in max. It gets added some how after the export from Panda.

Thanks for your suggestions.

2011-03-30 08:22:24

Hm, interesting that the one model works and the other one doesn't. It looks like it is simply translated a bit. Maybe you've done some transformations to those vertices which don't get exported? I know that in Maya, if you use the command "freeze transformations", this solves problems like this, not sure if there is anything similar in Max.

Registered User
2011-03-30 17:44:08

Yeah I think I'm going to have to start from scratch again, sucks, but I need this to work for my game, I'm going to redo the skeleton to see where exactly things go wrong. I figure I'll start from square one, add a walk cycle, export, see if its working, if so, next animation, and step by step from there. The freeze transformations erases all of the key frames so either way I'm starting from scratch again.

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