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Animators, camera behaviour

Registered User
2012-03-08 19:14:45

I have another questions.

1. In your tutorial3 you rotate the node created in script, but how can I define the pivot (center point of rotation) around which the object should rotate?

2. What is default pivot of the object I am creating using this method described in tut3 (avarage position of its vertices or something like that)?

3. How can I make animation like solar system for example where Earth is rotating around itself and at the same roatting around the Sun if I cannot define the pivot of rotation?

Sorry I on the stage of learning your library but in the API I cannot find any single word about it.


1. I was trying to change a little bit the FPS camera behaviour. I wanted to add swaying so if user walks around camera is moving up and down a little bit . I have completelly no idea how to add this feature. Please help with some tips.

2. I really like how the FPS camera is rotating when LM is pressed - it just looks into the pointed direction without constant rotating like in case when LM is not pressed (which is very strange) . Can i make the camera to behave like that without LM pressed and instead on LM trigger different event like fire a shoot.

2012-03-09 11:42:27

1) The pivot point is always (0,0,0), in local object space. Create your vertices in your object so that they are around the (0,0,0) point.
2) See 1
3) should be solved now, I guess? :)

The other questions:
1) Maybe try adding a bit to the .Z coordinate of the target of the camera. Not sure if it works, but this would be an apporach.
2) Currently, this isn't possible like knowns from FPS games on websites, unfortunately, because you would have to move the mouse cursor in this case. There is a mode which emulates this behavior in CopperLicht, fortunately, call setLookByMouseDown(false) of the AnimatorCameraFPS.

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