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playing files sequentially

Registered User
2012-12-16 16:52:51

I am trying to play a set of songs one after another but am having an issue with all the songs playing at the same time, I have tried using a while loop to wait for one track ends before starting the next one but to no avail.

currPlayingSound = irrKlangEngine.Play2D(fileName, false);

while (currPlayingSound.PlayPosition!=0)
while (currPlayingSound.PlayPosition<currPlayingSound.PlayLength) While(!currPlayingSound.Finished)
None have worked.
any thoughts how to wait for one file to finish before starting another one?

2012-12-19 09:52:40

This basically is the right approache, although not the best. Inside your look, were you also waiting? With a call like sleep()?

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