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24bit wav noise issue

Registered User
2013-01-07 15:55:06


Thanks for the library. Wonderful stuff.
I was happy to find out that you support 24bit wav files as most libraries I have tried do not. It does seem though that the library internals are still treating the stream as 16bit. For example when I want to seek to a postition x milliseconds, I have to seek to 1.5x to get to the right place in a 24bit stream. Also I have found that certain SetPlayPosition values cause static noise to play. At certain locations the static occurs every FOURTH value, ie 1000,1004,1008, and then at locations every EIGHTH value.

I have had slight success with some workarounds, but it would be good to get a true fix.

Im using Blitzmax with Bruceys wrapper.

Many thanks.

Marc Specter
London UK

2013-01-08 06:20:49

Yes, it reads it as 24bit, but doesn't play it back since not a lot of hardware supports this.
Strange about the playposition and the noice, what audio driver are you using for playback? Did you try another one? (First parameter when creating the irrklang engine)

Registered User
2013-01-09 00:28:01

Thanks a lot for taking time for this.
Using Bruceys blitzmax wrapper, this is the create function:

Function CreateIrrKlangDevice:TISoundEngine(driver:Int = ESOD_AUTO_DETECT, options:Int = ESEO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ..
deviceID:String = Null)

I am on mac - so surely it will use Coreaudio?

many thanks

2013-01-09 16:00:52

Ah, yes, you only have that option there. Yes, so you are stuck with this. Converting to another audio format is no option for you?

Registered User
2013-01-09 17:58:10

No my program needs file playback functionality from a directory.

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