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How to stream incoming sound data and play it using IrrKlang

Registered User
2014-05-28 22:50:27


I've seen lots of people ask how to stream in Irrklang and not get a final answer.

I've heard the answer "just override IFileReader to do it" but I have no idea how that would work.

I've looked at the sample code from 04.OverrideFileAccess.

I understand the basics of streaming but don't know how to get that to work in IrrKlang.

My goal is to take incoming data from the mic and play it in 3d using Irrklang.

I'm allocating a buffer that is 1024 bytes and writing data to it, I just need to know how to get that played by Irrklang. It has to be a circular buffer because the person could talk for 10 minutes if they wanted.

Please, I REALLY need help with this.

If anyone could just help me to even stream a 2d sound I'd be happy.

MANY thanks in advance for your help.

2014-05-29 10:02:47

Getting incoming data from the mic and constantly streaming it in irrKlang isn't possible, sorry. You can record it, stop the recording and then play it back, but that's it.

Registered User
2014-05-29 14:15:23

So there is no way I can stream it from a buffer I am writing the sound to in irrKlang?

2014-05-30 06:53:32

Sure, you can, just as you described above, as shown in the OverrideFileAccess sample. Instead of accessing the file, just access your buffer in there.

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