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camera jitter

Registered User
2015-06-29 04:37:36

I have a 3rd Person Camera style controlled, Follow mode=follow from behind, FollowSmoothingSpeed=25. From time to time a camera jitter effect occurs, but only for WebGL (and Flash) mode. In windows exe it seems to work OK.

If FollowFromBehind, fixed rotation or Fixed, don't move properties enabled, the jitter doesn't occurs. Also without collision the camera works well.

The CollideWithWorld camera property it's NOT selected.

The object to follow is a Object or Person controlled by keyboard with a Collide when moved behaviour. (NO AffectedByGravity and NO EnableInclination properties). The object is an animated mesh with one animation and no Looping (it's a simple rotating cube).

The collision geometry it's a very simple extruded perimeter of the building. (not visible)

I've tried without positive results the following:

- unifying / changing the FramesPerSecond for both animated mesh and application.
- increasing the density of the collision geometry trying to eliminate eventually gaps.
- changing size and position of the collision gizmo (the yellow sphere)
- eliminating all nodes except animated mesh (cube), camera and collision geometry.

Probably important: the animated mesh was scaled in the original 3d edition program But in Coppercube the scale is 1,1,1.

Does anyone have an idea how to remove the camera jitter?
Example here:

Registered User
2015-06-29 04:49:48

I once had a problem like this, and I could fix it by having the camera in the scene graph after the object it follows, instead of the other way round. So by simply deleting your camera and re-adding it, this might fix it already.

Registered User
2015-06-30 02:51:59

Adding the camera after the object doesn't work for me. In fact I’ve recreated the scene using only CopperCube elements: a room mesh from 2D map, an animated man prefab and a 3rd Person Camera. The only thing I kept was the complexity of the collision mesh. It has not worked.

Looking closely I observed that it's not a camera issue but a collision one. The object controlled by keyboard suddenly jumps in a miscalculated position. I think the problem lies in the way in which WebGL calculates collisions. Direct3d and OpenGL are calculated correctly but WebGL not.

So I tried to simplify the collision mesh separating it and then importing the parts, one by one, in the CopperCube scene. The result is acceptable but the issue has not completely disappeared.

2015-06-30 10:07:16

I'll have a look into that. Can you maybe send me the .ccb file? (See my mail adress under Support -> Contact, don't use the contact form). Then I'll probably able to fix this much quicker.

2015-07-01 05:00:33

Update: madalin send me his file, and this issue is now fixed, a fix will be included in the next free update of CopperCube. If you have the same issue, just let me know.

Registered User
2015-08-26 10:28:46

I have the same issue.

2019-07-14 10:53:32

2019 still same issue !

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