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How to make portals or non-euclidean geometry?

Registered User
2017-08-22 08:25:07

How to make cube with one doorway in it, and behind the doorway - room much bigger than cube? I have no clue how to do something like that in CC Engine. Any guesses? Thanks.

2017-08-22 12:38:11

First create a room mesh big enough to your desire.. now make it invisible...
Now create portal.. either by using particles or by using any other prefab... Then assign behavior on proximity do something to that portal ...

On proximity with the player do something.. add action hide and show a scenenode.. and then make the room visible... And add another action to the same proximity behavior. . Change position of a scene node.. and change the position so that the player can get in the room.. don't use move animated option....

And a sidenote for better portal creation... Create 2 portals.. one for entering the room and another one for exiting the room.. and in the above change position action.. you can simply..

Use the change position relative to a scenenode..and use the other portal for the relative scene node.. so that you dont have to manually configure the positions to enter the room...

Hope it helps..!

Registered User
2017-08-22 13:44:56

Thanks, but i mean make visual illusion (look through the portal to bigger room) like in this video and also possibility to walk across the teleport seamlessly (non-euclidean geometry).

Registered User
2017-08-24 18:36:19

I think i can use water for this, it's looks not like i need, but already very close to this. Also i find somethink what called "Render Target Texture" and "Stencil buffer" (, but can't understand how to do this in CC Engine.

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