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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
lagging - waterplanes

Registered User
2017-12-30 17:15:48

I had a scene that acted strange:
When moving the camera(first-person-perspective) in one half of the view (ca 180 degrees), the camera moved slow and jumpy. When moving it (vertical and horisontal) on the other half 180 degrees, movement was clean and smooth.
(No, the camera was not stuck in a mesh or something)

I took away one node after the other in the scene in order to find what was causing the problem.
After a while, i found out that it was two water planes rotated 90 degrees from default position (flat). (used as blood streaming down on walls).

The problem seems to be the rotation ot these water planes, as one much larger water plane (flat on the ground) is also in the scene without making any trouble.

Is this news or already known? A bug or something we are just not supposed to be doing? :-)

2017-12-31 07:28:59

If you rotate it back to be flat, then the performance is ok?
The water planes are designed to be flat, so yes, this could be the problem. What platform are you using it with?

Registered User
2017-12-31 16:15:55

Yes, it's ok when flat but when rotated again, as a wall, problem occurs.
Exe for PC/Win10

2018-01-01 06:38:36

Will have a look into it, but the reason is that they are intended to be flat. But I'll see if this can be fixed somehow.

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