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Cannot see gizmo in other viewports

Registered User
2018-07-16 17:11:11

When I am adding new assets and then choosing on any viewport option other than perspective, they turn black (possibly from the ambient and fog settings), and as a result, the gizmos cannot be seen or used.

Here is what I mean:


Is there any way to turn off everything when we go to top, bottom, front, back, left, right, etc - everything except perspective - or bring the gizmo to the top and make sure it's full color and readily visible?

In fact, when you turn the background color black in the main level file (I need it black for dark sewers) - here is what happens to everything:


The other viewports need to be devoid of ambient lighting and other visual changes/filters/shaders.

In a perfect world, the gizmo should superceed everything and be on the topmost layer and always be clickable no matter what - and the colors should light up when you hover over them (I believe they do in perspective view).



2018-07-17 05:18:39

That's a bug then, this should not happen. Could you send me the file maybe?

Registered User
2018-07-17 23:37:45


Send me a way to privately send the files to you and I will. I have purchased assets I don't want others downloading.

You can email me at mike at atomiccatinteractive dot com.


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