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Bug: Lightmap shadows disappear

Registered User
2018-07-29 09:05:54

I have no clue how this happened, but... I have a level model and I calculated some lightmaps for it. Then I decided to add a normal map to the walls. At some point later on when I reopened the project file, the shadows are now gone... I just disabled the normal map for the walls and then re-calculated the lighting, and sure enough that brought the shadows back. Am I not able to have them both in the scene? Quite a bummer if so....

Registered User
2018-07-29 12:12:38

hey j9907, As far as I have tested, normal mapping does not work with lightmaps on CC. This should have been announced as a feature if it was supported in 6.0 or earlier in the first place.

Registered User
2018-07-29 12:58:00

Hello j9907. I had asked Niko about this previously and he had stated that shadows do not work with normal maps ... yet. I believe he stated he would implement that in a future release.

Registered User
2018-07-29 20:35:07

Ah, that's a shame... Hopefully this can be changed by one of the future 6.x point releases.

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