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Dynamically loading CCB files and protecting them?

Registered User
2018-10-06 05:38:06

I'd like to make use of the "ccbSwitchToCCBFile" command, but I absolutely cannot have the players open the files in the editor and modify the game...

Could this be addressed somehow? Maybe allow users to save a special type of CCB file which can be read, but not opened in the editor? I know for a fact that 3D Rad, another engine (no longer around officially) did this very thing. It would more or less encrypt / obfuscate the .3dr project file so you can't open it in the editor but you can still play / switch levels that way so this should be doable with CopperCube's "ccb" format. Correct?

2018-10-12 08:32:18

Simplest way is to just rename the files. It is not secure at all - but nothing really is - and this at least helps preventing the most people for finding the data easily.

If you really care about this, you could also obfuscate them I guess, but yes, if somebody then really wants your data, he will get it anyway.

Registered User
2018-10-12 09:48:26

Ah, shoot. Alright... That's true. I thought maybe a password could be added to a CCB file (via the editor) and when the switchtoCCBFile command is invoked, it will read that password and load it. When the user tries to open that CCB in the editor, it will ask for that password and won't open otherwise :). That's a bit long-winded and a dumb idea though since, as you said, if someone's determined enough, they can figure out the password via a debugger or disassembly...

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