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good practice regarding the size of objects / assets / nodes ?

Registered User
2018-12-01 17:56:12

Hello ,
this is a question that will make experienced users smile, but your advice would be very helpful.
When I import external assets from different sources, they come in different sizes and you need to do a lot of adjusting.
But what should be the "reference size" ?

If I insert a standard coppercube character ( the soldier for example ) , do you think it good practise to consider the soldier's size as the standard to use for characters and adjust imported characters and other assets( buildings) accordingly?
Is Coppercube more efficient if the dimensions we used are based on those used by the built-in objects, or it doesn't matter at all ?
Thanks for your ideas !

Registered User
2018-12-01 18:48:06

With every game engine it's always a good idea to consider native templates measurements. They are always created to get the most out of the engine when considering the movement, terrain, fog, camera and other items :)

Registered User
2018-12-02 06:59:01

ok, thanks for the tip! It sounds obvious, but some assets that I imported are so much bigger than the templates that I had doubts about that.

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