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[FEATURE] Source VMTs.

Registered User
2019-02-19 01:18:02

Hi, Niko.. :)
I have one feature request right now.
Well, if i wasn't wrong, this is my first request.
Ok. Lets talk to the point..!
I have a feature request (This maybe can be called as an idea). I thought it would be very great if CopperCube can import Source Engine's VMTs or also known as "Valve Material Type".
This is some examples of the graphic qualities.

Why i called it great..?
1. It's very easy to make. There's a lot of tools that you can use to make VMTs with just a few clicks. Perfect for CopperNewbies..
2. The shader you make will be more accurate. What i meant is the tools we will use to create VMTs has a Graphical User Interface. So, you can see how your shaders looks for real-time (WYSIWYG).
3. It's universal. Unlike other shaders that have different coding between GLSL & HLSL, one VMT's can be applied to both DirectX & OpenGL.

So, the point is, if CopperCube has this feature, CopperCube can be a very good game engine. And they who still doubt about this engine maybe will change their mind.

I think that's the only request i have right now. Please consider to make it real, niko..

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