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Accidental wall climbing

2019-04-28 23:12:41

So I'm making a sort of a walking simulator game, and I don't want the character to be able to jump, so I set the jump to 0. But for somereason I can climb walls with an incline less than 90 degrees, does anyone know how to fix this?

2019-05-14 07:04:08


Registered User
2019-05-14 17:34:23

Add a big number in you Gravity box, something like 100, and player wont be able to climb anything. If you need him to climb something at some point just make a 'On proximity do something' behavior in the object he needs to climb, change Gravity to 1, and than change it back to 100 when he leaves proximity.

2019-08-24 05:13:49

This doesn't work that I can see - nothing stops the damn player from going up mount Everest....makes putting in scene boundaries a real pain.

Anyone found a solution to this ?

My player has a gravity at 2,000 and still climbs almost anything....

This needs fixing badly..

2019-08-24 05:32:31

Actually just found the right gravity for my scene - I have to use a gravity of 3,500 for it to work as expected. Bit silly but anyway...

You cant jump obviously with that gravity at all so better than nothing...

Registered User
2019-08-24 19:05:06

Wow are you sure, 3.500 gravity seems very extreme :/
I played your game, it seems that you don't have many things that player can do in higher parts of the level, maybe you could just make a 'ceiling' on some height (an invisible box that covers all of the level). That way player would be able to jump but won't be able to climb through the box-barrier.
I don't know, it seems like a better solution. In my outdoor levels I keep very low gravity but very wide collision-hull for player in combination with very steep hills. That way he is not able to climb because he's collision-box is too 'fat' to go up the hill :)

2019-08-25 09:28:16

The large collision box might be worth a try as yes, some long animated meshes cannot go up anything if their collision box is large. Does this affect the hit box or not ? ie if you are shot does it allow you to get hit easily or nothing to do with that ?

The large gravity in some parts of my new game works quite well and slows you down big time when climbing steep areas - that part of it is actually better than default low grav. I wont be able to jump at all though so will give it some thought...

I could like you said put an invisible wall in front of scene boundaries so you cant even try climbing the walls...

2019-11-07 04:11:14

Wow are you sure, 3.500 gravity seems very extreme :/
I played your game, it seems that you don't have many things that player can do in higher parts of the level, maybe you could just make a 'ceiling' on some height (an invisible box that covers all of the level). That way player would be able to jump but won't be able to climb through the box-barrier.
I don't know, it seems like a better solution. In my outdoor levels I keep very low gravity but very wide collision-hull for player in combination with very steep hills. That way he is not able to climb because he's collision-box is too 'fat' to go up the hill :)

thanks srfstudio - your suggestion was perfect - keep gravity low like as 1 and just lengthen the collider box so it wont climb up hills - works great !

I am going to credit you in my game - cheers !
you get a free copy when done also.

Registered User
2019-11-08 15:22:21

Great, it worked out for me, glad it worked out for you too.
Cheers for credits-mention & it will be a real pleasure to play a copy once it's done! Good luck!

Registered User
2019-11-09 20:26:43

Guys, can anyone among you help me with an action script I'm trying !?
over the jump.
could better explain the situation.

2019-11-10 14:07:47

Guys, can anyone among you help me with an action script I'm trying !?
over the jump.
could better explain the situation.

I'm not that good at functions actually and have loads of issues working with them till now. To get what I want I keep playing with the code to see what changes and what doesn't until it does more or less what I want.
I have been successful up until now doing it this way so I suggest you keep working with it to see what you can change to work properly.

Just recently had issues with CC showing grey screen on scene reset which was said to be fixed in a previous update but not fully obviously. I tried an action to fix and yes was good but running this on start only did that on start and not afterwards so tried a behavior which ran all the time so much that I couldn't stop it running. I went back to using the action extension and had it set to activate before opening the new scene on a timer instead and fixed my issues..
Just an example of issues which you sometimes have to work through....

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