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WebGL animation smooth blending

Registered User
2019-05-13 13:18:48

Has anyone found a way to smooth animation blending in WebGL? The blending is good in Windows exports but in WebGL exports it's almost better to leave it out completely :( The only way that animation transitions look at all acceptable is to put something really small, like 15, in BlendTimeMs, so that you don't have brutal cuts but one/half a frame in between.
Can this be fixed somehow? ...without manually creating animation frames/sets for transition.

Registered User
2019-05-13 14:26:21

Maybe increase the "frames per second" time in the publishing settings for WebGL?

Registered User
2019-05-13 17:58:34

Just tried it but it doesn't seem to have any effect. I kind of gave up on that setting because I'm not really sure what it does. It doesn't limit fps to 30 if I put 30 in the box and it doesn't make much sense to put 120 if engine can't pull it off.

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