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Rotatable third person camera - lost...

Registered User
2019-05-23 00:47:08

var player = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("Player");
var cam = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName ("Camera");
var playerpos = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty (player, "Position");

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty (cam, playerpos);

This is what I did. It doesn't work, to put it simply :)... I need a rotatable third person camera for my project. I just can't seem to figure it out...

btw this code is to make it update it's position when the character moves.

2019-05-23 14:41:42

First off ccbSetSceneNodeProperty needs 3 arguments:

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(sceneNode, propertyName, value)

So the code above should be this:

var player = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("Player");
var cam = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName ("Camera");
var playerpos = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty (player, "Position");

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty (cam, "Position", playerpos);

All this will do is set the camera to be inside the player. What you may be able to do another node lets call it "Placeholder" and set it as a child of Player, and position it where you would like the camera to be. Now change the code to this:

var placeholder = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("Placeholder");
var cam = ccbGetSceneNodeFromName ("Camera");
var pos = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty (placeholder, "PositionAbs");

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty (cam, "Position", pos);

Then all you need to do is point the camera's target to the player every frame. I recommend doing all this in a behavior in the onAnimate event.

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