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$50 on offer for code

2019-06-25 04:43:23

Just in case you missed my other post, I am offering $50 for the first successful javascript code to enable me to save the data in different arrays (I might have up to 15 separate arrays) and load them back up again into the game once saved.

My first array is the player inventory with these variables which I have called variable invMe :

var invMe= [
{name: 'Bandage', qty: 2, group: 'health', regen: 2, affects: 'heal', condition: 0.8, weight: 0.1, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'bandages.png', sound: 'bandaging', nu: 2},
{name: 'Medkit', qty: 2, group: 'health', regen: 7, affects: 'heal', condition: 0.8, weight: 0.3, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'medkits.png', sound: 'medkit', nu: 2},
{name: 'Herbs', qty: 3, group: 'health', regen: 2, affects: 'heal', condition: 1.0, weight: 0.1, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'bars.png', sound: 'eatBar', nu: 3},
{name: 'Energy Stim', qty: 2, group: 'health', regen: 5, affects: 'energy', condition: 0.9, weight: 0.7, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'waters.png', sound: 'drink', nu: 2},
{name: 'Water bottle', qty: 2, group: 'food', regen: 5, affects: 'thirst', condition: 0.9, weight: 0.7, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'waters.png', sound: 'drink', nu: 5},
{name: 'Packed food', qty: 3, group: 'food', regen: 7, affects: 'hunger', condition: 0.8, weight: 0.5, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'foods.png', sound: 'eatFood', nu: 2},
{name: 'Energy bar', qty: 4, group: 'food', regen: 3, affects: 'hunger', condition: 0.7, weight: 0.2, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'bars.png', sound: 'eatBar', nu: 3},
{name: 'Meat', qty: 4, group: 'food', regen: 7, affects: 'hunger', condition: 0.7, weight: 0.2, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'meats.png', sound: 'eatMeat', nu: 3},
{name: 'Mushrooms1', qty: 3, group: 'food', regen: 1, affects: 'hunger', condition: 1.0, weight: 0.1, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'shrooms.png', sound: 'eatFood', nu: 2},
{name: 'Clothing1', qty: 1, group: 'clothing', regen: 0, affects: 'protection', condition: 0.9, weight: 0.5, protection: 1.0, thermal: 5.0, tex: 'bandages.png', sound: 'bandaging', nu: 2},
{name: 'Clothing2', qty: 1, group: 'clothing', regen: 0, affects: 'protection', condition: 0.9, weight: 1.0, protection: 1.0, thermal: 10.0, tex: 'bandages.png', sound: 'bandaging', nu: 2},
{name: 'Clothing3', qty: 1, group: 'clothing', regen: 0, affects: 'protection', condition: 0.9, weight: 1.5, protection: 1.0, thermal: 15.0, tex: 'bandages.png', sound: 'bandaging', nu: 2},
{name: 'Clothing4', qty: 1, group: 'clothing', regen: 0, affects: 'protection', condition: 0.9, weight: 2.5, protection: 1.0, thermal: 25.0, tex: 'bandages.png', sound: 'bandaging', nu: 2},
{name: 'Keypass1', qty: 1, group: 'items', regen: 0, affects: 'access', condition: 0.9, weight: 0.1, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'bandages.png', sound: 'bandaging', nu: 2},
{name: 'Keypass2', qty: 1, group: 'items', regen: 0, affects: 'access', condition: 0.9, weight: 0.1, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'bandages.png', sound: 'bandaging', nu: 2},
{name: 'Keypass3', qty: 1, group: 'items', regen: 0, affects: 'access', condition: 0.9, weight: 0.1, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'bandages.png', sound: 'bandaging', nu: 2},
{name: 'bottles', qty: 3, group: 'items', regen: 0, affects: 'access', condition: 0.9, weight: 0.01, protection: 0.0, thermal: 0.0, tex: 'bottles.png', sound: 'drink', nu: 2},

prompt payment via Paypal for code.
It must work successfully.

Robert Codell

2019-06-25 04:56:45

ps - Im from Australia so I mean $50 AUD in case wasnt clear..

2019-06-26 04:25:43

I might have a work around solution it seems of today 26/6/19.
Please put on hold any javascript work to my above request from today until notified.

I will come back and let you know if my own work around has failed.

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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