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Animation in CopperCube 6

Registered User
2019-09-12 17:55:43

Guys hi, I have 120 frames of loading animation, I created a plane and put animated textures, but I do not want to enter 1 and the same loading texture every time. Maybe there is a solution how to put them all to load in the animation script of some sort maybe. Thank you!

2019-09-13 02:15:44

You could instead create base versions of each animated object and then just clone as many as you need where you need dynamically or at "before drawing" time - should help with load times rather than load all animations.

2nd option would be to hide select ones you don't need at first and turn on later. This still uses memory but less graphics power until rendered.

Registered User
2019-09-14 15:00:51

Heh, understood. Or just score and upload your video to the object)) Wanted to ask, can know how to connect a wireless controller ? most likely you need a script of some kind. I've spent a lot of time on this question. Thank you!

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