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Is Coppercube exported exe safe from resource hacker ?

Registered User
2020-01-09 17:02:21

It is no secret to anyone using CopperCube that taking assets, sorry, not assets, I mean the entire project's working file, model, source, everything...from an apk file is as easy as unzipping the apk file, that is why I stop publishing to the app store.

What about *.exe files ? Are they safer ?
So far the only output I know that is relatively *safe* is the WebGL export.

Registered User
2020-01-09 21:29:35

AFAIK compiled EXE files are mixed in terms of security. I've tried various 3D Rippers and none of them work well with CC-based games, so geometry ripping isn't feasible.

However, I will also say I've realized most generic ripping tools out there can easily scan the EXE and allow users to rip any sounds and textures found by it.

Registered User
2020-01-09 22:59:15

Kudos for attempting to rip the models, because this help a lot of us worried about such matters.

If this is still the case now, then it seems to be a great relief that models cannot be ripped, the 3D geometry is the price after all.

Registered User
2020-01-10 01:18:17

The 2 main ones which people use are limited anyways. One can usually rip meshes in T-pose (without bones - all at 0,0,0 positioning - it doesn't work at all with CC games as it rips unusable garbage) and the other will rip whatever is on the screen at the time you pressed the "rip" button. If you don't have 3DS Max the results will be skewed beyond belief. That and there's lots of doubles and other crap..

Anyways, I'd say your games are fairly safe as long as you don't use the dynamic CCB-load feature or use the Android export option for the time being.

Registered User
2020-01-10 02:48:57

I appreciate your replies :-)

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