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Help me with shader example!

Registered User
2020-01-13 14:55:19

I would like someone to post a working shader example, already searched the forum and did not download one but it does not work.
I would like to try new materials.

so please if anyone has a .ccb file with shader!

Registered User
2020-01-13 23:04:36

Well as the documentation states:

"Note that shader programming isn't very easy, and assumes you are familiar with this complex topic."

It isn't something easy like JavaScript. There's example code for a "fragment' shader in the documentation which brightens a mesh. It works. I tried to look at it and I can't really follow it at all... Very complex!

I thought of buying a shader programming book just to see if I can do it. It'd be nice to see how capable CC's shader system is.

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