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Endless procedural generated terrain.

Registered User
2020-03-14 06:04:45

Endless procedural generated terrain. Curious if this is possible in coppercube? If so how?

Registered User
2020-03-14 07:16:55

I think this was done in PostCollapse, which was created with CopperCube. But it was done by programming.

2021-09-30 10:45:30

Endless Procedural Terrain:

there are several methods of doing this, all while keeping the player and cameras in place (0, 0, 0)

1 - using tiles that disappear and reappear outside field of view and come into view as the landscape moves under the player and camera

2 - using a really large cylinder that rotates below the stationary player. I tried this method but it does not work in coppercube, because the cylinder is so large the rotation (by angle) must be really low - coppercube then rounds that value to zero. also at higher values all i see is some shaking not rotation , trigger nodes attached to cylinder also do not rotate with the large cylinder. at smaller cylinders attached trigger nodes do rotate with the cylinder. This is a pity because it is a really simple method for creating a endles landscape. Triggernodes should inject and delete houses and and trees at random locations outside view.

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