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Umbra technology in cc6

2020-05-26 13:42:58

Hello dears :3 ! Can I integrate Umbra ( into cc6 games, and how to do it?

2020-05-26 17:11:09

after looking at their website, it may be "somewhat possible" to get this to work... but it would take alot of work and effort, and probably crash in the end. Their SKD's are plugins and they do offer one for "in house editors" - plus the umbra.js API might be converted... but why?

CC is simply not designed for this. If you want to do game design with this amount of sophistication then you shouldn't be using CC to begin with.

And if you have to ask "how to do it" - then No, you probably can not use Umbra with CC... plus they don't list price for the license so it isn't cheap....

CC is great to use as it is - quick, easy, and fun... it does what it intends just the way it is, no need to add complicated things to it.

2020-05-26 18:02:21


It is a pity that this can not be done ... Well, okay! Still love CC anyway

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