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Everything inGame Dialog

Registered User
2020-06-08 15:23:06

Many games have some sort of dialog between the game and the human player.

It comes in principle in these 3 forms:
- Status messages
- Messages and
- Question and Answer dialogs = there is a great plugin for that called

Registered User
2020-06-08 15:41:29

my posts are disappearing without errors

Registered User
2020-06-08 15:42:03

while i stay in the character limit

Registered User
2020-06-08 15:42:30

what is going on here:

again here is my script

Registered User
2020-06-08 15:46:04

Here is my message dialog script, it uses a bs generator popular some years ago, to counter the boredom of repeating the same message all the time at the same time, condition or event. enjoy

// action_BuzzwordEN: make a sentence.
// code sourced from: <title>Corporate B.S. Generator</title>
// <!-- saved from url=(0042) -->
/* <action jsname="action_BuzzwordEN" description="Buzzword en generator">
<property name="BuzzpanelEN" type="scenenode" />

action_BuzzwordEN = function()
// empty

action_BuzzwordEN.prototype.execute = function()

function randomarray(a) {
var i;
for (i=a.length;i--;) {
var j = Math.floor((i+1)*Math.random());
var temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
return a;

var adverbs = new Array (
'appropriately', 'assertively', 'authoritatively', 'collaboratively',
'continually', 'conveniently', 'credibly', 'distinctively',
'energistically', 'enthusiastically', 'globally', 'holisticly',
'objectively', 'phosfluorescently', 'proactively', 'professionally',
'seamlessly', 'synergistically', 'uniquely', 'fungibly'

var verbs = new Array (
'actualize', 'administrate', 'aggregate', 'architect', 'benchmark',
'drive', 'embrace', 'e-enable', 'empower', 'enable', 'engage',
'grow', 'harness', 'impact', 'implement', 'incentivize', 'incubate',
'leverage existing', 'leverage other\'s', 'maintain', 'matrix',
'scale', 'seize', 'simplify', 'strategize', 'streamline', 'supply',
'transform', 'transition', 'underwhelm', 'unleash', 'utilize',
'incept', 'onboard'

var adjectives = new Array (
'24/7', '24/365', 'accurate', 'adaptive', 'alternative',
'backward-compatible', 'best-of-breed', 'bleeding-edge',
'client-based', 'client-centered', 'client-centric', 'error-free',
'functionalized', 'future-proof', 'global', 'go forward',
'pandemic', 'parallel', 'performance based', 'plug-and-play',
'synergistic', 'tactical', 'team building', 'team driven',
'visionary', 'web-enabled', 'wireless', 'world-class', 'worldwide',
'on-demand', 'cloud-based', 'cloud-centric', 'cloudified', 'agile'

var nouns = new Array (
'action items', 'alignments', 'applications',
'best practices', 'catalysts for change', 'channels',
'mindshare', 'models', 'networks', 'niches',
'paradigms', 'partnerships', 'platforms', 'portals',
'quality vectors', 'relationships', 'resources',
'sources', 'strategic theme areas', 'supply chains',
'testing procedures', 'total linkage', 'users', 'value',
'clouds', 'nosql', 'storage', 'virtualization',

adjectives = randomarray(adjectives);
nouns = randomarray(nouns);
adverbs = randomarray(adverbs);
verbs = randomarray(verbs);

var x;
var statement = adverbs[adverbs.length-1];
adverbs.length -= 1;
statement = statement + " " + verbs[verbs.length-1];
verbs.length -= 1;
statement = statement + " " + adjectives[adjectives.length-1];
adjectives.length -= 1;
statement = statement + " " + nouns[nouns.length-1];
nouns.length -= 1;
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(this.BuzzpanelEN, "Draw Text", true);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(this.BuzzpanelEN, "TextColor", 0,0,0);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(this.BuzzpanelEN, "Text", statement);

// end

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