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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
Multiple Questions

Registered User
2020-06-19 20:49:22

Hi! I'm working on an fps right now and I have a few questions (I 'm new to Coppercube). First off, when I play an animation, it stops all animations afterwords. Is there any way to fix this? Also, I can't figure out how to switch weapons. Thanks for any help!

2020-06-20 15:56:16

It is completely depends on how you want your game to be...
This is how any of the game engine works this way you can add or trigger new animation after an animation is completed...

All you need to do is add another action of change animation below to the previously added animation....
And if you want to run that animation for forever check the looping option....

That way you can play the animation continuously...
Or there are lots of threads containing demos and source ccb files are available on the forum... Just go through the forums and check them out..

If you want you can check out my gta-vc clone dropped project demo... Which contains a lot of animation with good blending ....

Here is the link to the tutorial and source file of the gta vc clone..


Source file:-

Hope that helps

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