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no keyboard, how to control first person camera

Registered User
2021-01-03 04:46:55

The first person camera can control the translation and advance and retreat through the keyboard, and control the rotation through the mouse. But in the flat panel of win system, there is no keyboard, how to control the translation and advance and retreat of the camera? The method of mapping "LF up RF DN" with 2D keyboard does not work in the first person camera. Is there any other way to use virtual keys?

Registered User
2021-01-03 15:51:20

doesn't windows have a built in on-screen keyboard?

try: (Execute Java Script) system('osk.exe', true);

Registered User
2021-01-04 01:47:18

Thank you. This method can be realized. But the keyboard will cover up the screen. Is there any way to use the virtual arrow keys to achieve it. Is there a keyboard controlled behavior code?

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