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on proximity do something not working

Registered User
2021-03-23 06:14:12

so i made an on proximity do something which will restart the scene and change the position of fire particle system to the player location,but it is not working

Registered User
2021-03-23 08:31:05

Can you explain in a little more detail please - what you want to happen and what's actually happening....

At a guess, you probably just need to delay the restart of the scene until after the fire has moved (eg: move fire>do something later 3000ms>restart scene).

Also be aware that you can make "on proximity" work in different ways:

eg: "player>on proximity 50 to enemy>do action"

can be completely different to:

"enemy>on proximity 50 to player>do action".

Also - changing the size/shape of the proximity sensor (sphere or box) also make a difference to how things interact with each other. Using a sphere will detect proximity to the centre of the sphere - using a box will detect proximity to any part of the box.

This sounds confusing but it actually gives you better control over proximity events.

Registered User
2021-04-02 16:41:20

im so sorry for the late reply but i will try out what you said

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