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Cache Error

Registered User
2022-02-27 22:59:38

How can i set up a cache clear for seeing the latest version on my site on RocketCake?

2022-02-28 06:57:19

Simply press F5 or CTRL+F5 in your browser, then your browser is forced to update.

When you frequently update your page, you need to manualy refresh because the browser takes a certain time to not clear the cache.
The only real working way to do this from the server side (so that you don't have to press F5) is to tell your webserver to send an earlier expiration date for your cache. You can search for "htaccess Cache-Control" on how to change the behavior of your webserver in that direction if you want to.

But for normal users visiting your site, that time is usually set to a useful time already, so this isn't usually necessary. Developers of websites are ususally just using the F5 trick.

Registered User
2022-02-28 08:30:11

The server I am using - - will cache webpages unless you tell it not to, even though the html headers may say 'dont cache'.
The solution is to add a file named .htaccess with this content:
Header add "Cache-Control" "no-cache"
to the web directory. Adding that file solved the issue for me.

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