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CopperCube 1.4.0 released

2010-04-22 11:31:38

CopperCube 1.4.0 is available now. This also means the Mac OS X beta has ended. Both CopperCube Windows and Mac OS X now have the same version numbers and will be released at the same time from now on.

You can download it directly here:

Details of the changes:

- Added support for Mac OS X. CopperCube now runs on that operating system and can create applications (.app) for MacOSX as publishing target now as well (also on Windows).

- Added support for the following new file formats:
- 3D Studio Max .ase files
- Stanford Polygon Lib .ply files
- AutoCAD .dxf files
- Truespace .cob and .scn files

- Improved COLLADA .dae, Lightwave .lwo and 3D Studio .3ds loaders. Collada loader for example now also works with .dae files exported from Google Sketchup

- The first person shooter camera behavior now has a new option named 'LookOnlyWhenMouseDown'. In this way, it is possible to make the camera behave in the Windows .exe and Mac OS X .app target as in WebGL or Flash: The mouse cursor will no longer be hidden and the camera only changes its look direction when the user keeps the mouse button pressed down.

- It is now possible to add and remove external directories for the prefab window. A new section in the documentation explains how to create own prefabs and add them to the window.

- Added support for using OpenGL in the editor. This means that CopperCube now also works using Wine in Linux.

- Lightmapper improvements: Smooth normals are now supported. The lightmapper now takes the normals of imported 3d models into account instead of using hard normals from the polygons. There is a 'smooth normals' checkbox now on the lightmap calculation tab to disable this feature again. Note: The new implementation is not perfect but much better than before.

- Added a new tutorial to the documentation: 'Creating a 3D Configurator'

- Exporting .obj files now also exports an .mtl file with the materials of the 3d mesh

- Fixed the normals of created cubes using the 'create cube' command, they are now corrected.

- Fixed a bug causing 2D Overlays to be rendered behind 3d billboards in windows and mac apps.

- Fixed a bug causing combo boxes in the property windows to be displayed with a frame color when selected

- Fixed a bug causing the Skybox to be rendered with a border
when using OpenGL in the Windows .exe target.

2010-04-22 13:54:36

thank you for supporting this on wine!!!!!!!!!! Finally I can use this on linux!!

2010-04-22 14:06:12

I can confirm that it runs with wine. There is a lot to be tested.

In order to get it to work, user must go to tools>options and set 3d video driver to OPENGL.

Thank you Nico. This is indeed an awesome release

Registered User
2010-04-22 14:19:01

Fantastic. Coppercube and your efforts to improve, add features and usability are impressive. Thank you, Niko.

2010-04-22 15:36:30

Exellent work Niko !!! you are the best, nice release !!!!!

Registered User
2010-04-23 00:20:19

Thanks a lot Niko for this wonderful version :D

It seems that opengl as render driver for the windows (.exe) options is not working. All I'm getting is a black screen. D3d 8/9 is working fine though ;)

once more, a million thanks!


2010-04-23 07:17:33

nice that you like it.

afecelis wrote:
It seems that opengl as render driver for the windows (.exe) options is not working. All I'm getting is a black screen. D3d 8/9 is working fine though

Interesting. Maybe updating your gfx driver might help.

Registered User
2010-04-23 08:29:21

niko ftw!

Mike T
2010-04-25 10:27:10

THANK YOU for supporting Truespace, niko!

2011-09-04 08:41:57

It does NOT work completely in wine. Sure the editor, the graphics, everything editor-related. But as a .irr exporter, it does NOT work in linux. The reason: Paths.
Take, for example, a path in an exported .irr file using coppercube in wine:
<texture name="Texture1" value="c:\development\irrtech\flace\editorpackage\textures\~editor_defaults\default_white.png" />
That may work in coppercube, and in the .exe it produces, but if I want to produce native Linux applications using irrlicht, that ain't gonna fly.

Please tell me you're working on this.

Also, dynamic lighting in opengl mode. I switch a model to dynamic lighting, and suddenly it is completely solid black. Even when there are lights in the scene and near to the object.
Just a bug.

2011-09-04 21:43:02

Dynamic lighting will be fixed soon. But the paths will probably need a bit of work. You could probably add a small patch to irrlicht to handle these paths in the .irr file correctly, should be a small string replace.

2012-05-16 02:33:17

CopperCube on Wine is not working for me. I'm running Fedora 16 (Nvidia N3100 card) and i'm getting a dialog box with information that there is "Problem with initializing 3D engine". I can't even get to program to change settings to OpenGL.

Any clues?


2012-05-16 02:47:15

Hello again, problem solved :)

CopperCube will give message about no 3D support if you don't have installed 32bit OpenGL libraries for you graphic card (I'm using 64bit version of Fedora 16)
Installing package xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 solved mine problems.

Solved one but there is another one: main workspace and textures box are completely messed up so it's impossible to do anything :/

Any clues with this one?



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