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Respawn on CopperCube

Registered User
2022-07-21 19:04:24

I created an enemy in my game with a "Game Actor" behavior and Animated Health Bar. I want to make it that when enemy dies, the position of enemy changes to somewhere else on the terrain and the enemy respawns and can be killed over and over again. I added the "Action on Die"in the Game Actor Behavior and I added "Change position of scene node" action. After I added this and published the game, it works perfectly but the only problem I have is that when enemy dies and drone respawn, the health bar does not come with the enemy and so enemy cannot be killed. I'll love if anyone can help me on this.

Registered User
2022-07-21 19:04:57

I also tried, Restart Behavior of Scene Node for the Enemy after it changes position bit it doesn't work.

Registered User
2022-07-21 19:11:02

The enemy also has a behavior to attack the Main Player and when the enemy respawns, it can attack the Player but the Player can't attack the enemy because the Healthbar is not showing and when player keeps shooting enemy, enemy does not die.

2022-07-23 17:15:28

I recommend you make one enemy and hide it. Then when the first enemy dies, clone that enemy to the position you want and unhide it. You can rinse and repeat this process as many times as you want. You can also spawn the enemy at another scene node. Make a sphere with 0 radius and polys. Call it spawnpoint or something. When you clone the enemy, use the change position action and set the position type to relative to a scene node (spawnpoint).

2022-07-23 17:17:52

Just to be clear: I am saying make one enemy that doesn't get killed by the player and clone your enemies from that one.

Registered User
2022-07-25 17:18:14

Thanks I've been able to solve it

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